Coaching Agile

Agile, Scrum et autres pensées
Laurent Carbonnaux

Agile and the Hippies

Agile and the Hippies

Eric Lefevre has just reported similarities between Lean Software Development and Buddhism. In his post, he has compared stories of the Buddhism and some Totyota Way’s disciplines and concepts.

It is amazing also to look at Claude Aubry’s post on the heritage of Mai 68 events by the Agile methodology.

Does Agile is for the hippies?

More seriously, is it a way to say Agile is more a philosophy than a methodology?

I do agree on that point. It reminds me the first (and third) principle of the Agile manifesto that place the human at the middle of the method.

I thing also this kind of communication on Agile can be dangerous. Most of the big boss may not understand this way. In a world driven by the money, there’s no place for philosophy (they thing). They might thing Agile is made for old homesick hippies.
But it’s not.
Agile is made for normal people that just want to run together to achieve a common realistic goal: the customer satisfaction. Is it not what we are paid for?

It is crucial that operational management can be run independently of contracts.
It will be still a long way to change the mind of industry, especially when outsourcing.

That’s why I thing the best way is to share with other, to coach (more than train) and the best: to guide (mentor)

Google App Engine load tests

Didier Girard d' a eu la trés bonne idée d'effectuer un test de charge de la solution hébergement d'application proposée par Google.

Pour cela, il a demandé par le biais de son blog à toute personne intéressée de stresser son application le 23 mai à 16h.
Les résultats sont maintenant publiés:

"Pic à 23 requêtes par sec pour 0€".

Hors ce score plus que favorable, Didier Girard s'interroge sur l'indépendance au fournisseur.
"Question préoccupante pour les banques françaises avec les gros systèmes (IBM, BULL, ...) dans les années 80/90"
Mais là c'est gratuit, il n’y a pas d’engagement de durée non plus.

Scrum Vision : Mylyn connector for Google SpreadSheet

Scrum Vision is a Mylyn connector for Google SpreadSheet backlog.
Backlog is an excel like tasklist.

You can download first version :

Enjoy it, and don't hesitate to report some bugs, that means you use it ;-)

Mylyn connector for Google SpreadSheet

Juste parceque ça fait du bien!
Ça y est, j'ai enfin un connecteur Mylyn pour accès à un backlog sous Google SpreadSheet.
Bon c'est de la version béta (voir gros béta), mais j'affiche la liste des tâches de l'itération backlog.
Vue la doc de Mylyn mais heureusement grâce à un tutoriel (pas fini, et qui date de Mylar), j'y suis arrivé.
Prochaine étape, éditer la tâche pour le suivi scrum.
Faudrait que je me fasse un backlog pour suivre tout ça maintenant.
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